William J. Clinton Foundation

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Some very interesting videos inside including Russell Pearce
I find it interesting that one of the videos in this blog says Arizona's economy is doing pretty good?????? hmmmmm and then the following???
September 2nd, 2010
Immigration is down. Why? Simply put, the United States economy is in the tank. For the most part, if you can’t get a job, there is no reason for the undocumented to come to the US. Just as sure as the sun will set today, as soon as the economy gets better and businesses start hiring again, the undocumented will flood across our southern border to get a piece of the pie.

I still would like to know what the super highway and NAFTA would have done about illegals since, if I understand correctly illegal drivers on the SPP highway would have been hauling drugs without interference??????

Racist jet set Rusty Childress
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Racist Jet-Set: Rusty Childress and the false class consciousness of the Minutemen
I was surfing the Save Our State and other right-wing web forums yesterday and I came across a link to some pictures from the protest last Monday. Mostly, they're not all that interesting. I forwarded the link on to a friend who, it turns out, had just discovered it himself. "That's Rusty Childress' photo folder," he told me.

For those who don't know, Rusty is the owner of Childress Automall in Phoenix - and one of the big financial backers of the anti-immigrant movement in Arizona. He pumped money into Arizona's racist so-called "Protect Arizona Now" Proposition 200, which passed in November 2004, denying vital services to immigrants. Since Prop 200's passage, he continues to be one of the sugar daddies of the anti-immigration movement. Here I quote Rusty from an Arizona Republic article that ran in September of that year: ................

Phoenix Kiadealer Rusty Childress
Kia-peddler and brown-basher Rusty Childress is a co-founder, along with this guy Danny Smith, of an anti-illegal immigrant bike group called the American Freedom Riders. Their shtick is to harass day-laborers at this Episcopal Church up in Cave Creek. They also have a fundraiser coming up September 8 for imprisoned Border Patrol Agent (BPA) Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos, who along with his partner Jose Compean shot an unarmed illegal alien as he was running away from them and tried to cover it up. The Ramos-Compean case is a cause celebre in the anti-immigrant movement. Apparently, nativists believe Americans, and especially BPA's, have the right to shoot unarmed illegals. A West Texas jury disagreed, finding both men guilty of assault with a dangerous weapon and a bunch of other stuff. Ramos pulled 11 years. Compean, 12.

Rusty Childress -These guys play both ends against the middle, is Childress a good guy or a bad guy... It depends on who you read, eh?
Freedom Riders defending middle class

Dec. 16, 2006 12:00 AM

The Arizona Republic has confused the American Freedom Riders’ burning desire for secure borders and interior enforcement with a temper tantrum on illegal immigration (”Immigration temper tantrum,” Editorial, Dec. 9).

Certainly, if you are not angry about this issue, you are ambivalent about enforcement of federal immigration laws, as are the greedy, law-breaking employers that we target with our efforts.

Employers who are breaking the law with impunity are the ones we are educating, in the hopes they will obey our laws.

We do the jobs our dysfunctional government refuses to do by attempting to deter exploitative and felonious employers from hiring illegal aliens.

We distribute SAVE (Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) fliers and post offenders on www.wehirealiens.com.

The magic of the AFR is that as bikers we have no pretense about being politically correct. We cannot be silenced by mischaracterizations or easily intimidated out of defending the rule of law and the right of free speech.

We are not anti-immigrant.

However we are profoundly anti-illegal immigration, down to our biker bones, and not one rationalization will detract us from our zero-tolerance of this unbearable burden to hard-working taxpayers.

Contrary to the opinion of The Arizona Republic, the solution is to enforce our existing federal immigration laws. They are unambiguous and worded to serve the best interest of American citizens and legal immigrants.

Common sense alone makes it clear that America faces disastrous economic, social and cultural consequences from a continued invasion of illegal aliens on a massive scale.

At this rate, middle-class America stands to be decimated.

Until federal government officials accept their constitutional responsibility to enforce our laws, the AFR will continue to actively and visibly bring attention to the illegal scam being perpetrated on our nation. We will not stand for open borders!

- Rusty Childress, Phoenix
- Danny Smith, Sonoita
The writers are co-founders of the American Freedom Riders.

Ramos/Compean scandal
If you can please plan to attend one of these protests and support agents Ramos and Compean. These agents were simply doing their job and putting their lives on the line. Below are locations that are currently slated for protests. You can find out the latest information and locations at the America Freedom Riders Website.

Agent Compean will be at the El Paso rally

Agent Ramos will be in Phoenix riding
with the American Freedom Riders

•Chicago - Dirksen Federal Building
•El Paso - El Paso Federal Courthouse
•Ft. Myers - Ft. Myers Federal Building
•Los Angeles - Los Angeles Federal Building
•New Jersey - Bergenfield/Dumont Columbia Ave & Washington
•Omaha - Senator Ben Nelson's office
•Philadelphia - U.S. Courthouse
•Phoenix - Sandra Day O'Connor Federal Building
•San Jose - Federal Courthouse
•Tucson - Federal Building (Evo DiConcini Building)
•Tulsa - Tulsa Courthouse
More than 50 Congressman have sent a letter to the White House requesting some action and a pardon and have so far been ignored.

Agents Ramos and Compean are set to begin their sentences Thursday, January 18, 2007.

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